The Catching Up with Casey Show

On this show, we catch up on anything and everything that has to do with building cohesive, vision driven school teams that make sustainable change happen, even when change seems impossible!Ā 

Three Non-Negotiables for Setting Up Successful PLCs

data leadership plcs professional learning communities teams Aug 08, 2024
Casey Watts's Coaching & Consulting
Three Non-Negotiables for Setting Up Successful PLCs

No one wants PLCs to suck, and yet, without the right foundation, they often do. That’s why this episode of the podcast is such a must-listen for educators and administrators alike. Jana Lee, an experienced educator, joins us to talk about the essential steps in establishing Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) that actually work. We explore how to lay the groundwork for PLCs that foster collaboration, engagement, and, most importantly, real growth for both teachers and students.

Jana emphasizes the significance of clarity in the early stages of PLC creation. Without a clear purpose and shared vision, even the best-intentioned teams can flounder. She shares her strategies for setting these guiding principles from the outset, ensuring that every member of the team understands their role and the goals they’re collectively working towards. Jana also touches on the importance of building trust within these communities, which can be the difference between a PLC that thrives and one that stagnates.

We also explore some of the common challenges that schools face when setting up PLCs and how to overcome them. From time constraints to varying levels of experience among team members, Jana offers practical solutions that can help educators navigate these hurdles. Her approach to problem-solving within PLCs is grounded in real-world experience, making her advice both practical and achievable.

Finally, Jana leaves us with actionable steps for those looking to revitalize existing PLCs or start new ones. Her emphasis on continuous reflection and adjustment ensures that PLCs don’t just start strong but remain effective over time. Whether you’re an educator looking to improve collaboration or an administrator seeking to implement lasting change, this episode provides valuable strategies to make your PLCs meaningful and impactful.


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